Cocktails - Chocolate Bounty Raider


Chocolate Bounty Raider

The richness of the chocolate bounty blends seamlessly with the soft vanilla essence of O’ Driscolls Irish Whiskey, creating a warm and comforting hot chocolate. Perfect for a cold evening after a long week.


Chocolate Bounty Raider Ingredients

  • 40ml ODIW

  • 2 tbps. Chocolate powder

  • 1750ml Milk

  • 75ml of Coconut Milk

  • Whipped cream

  • Bounty bar

How to make a Chocolate Bounty Raider

  1. In a small saucepan over medium heat, combine the milk, cocoa powder, sugar and salt. Do not boil! Whisk until smooth and creamy.

  2. Remove from the heat and add O’Driscolls Irish whiskey.

  3. Separately whip cream, powdered sugar and vanilla, until stiff peaks form.

  4. Pour into a coconut or bug if not available and top with a dollop of fresh whipped cream. Garnish with crushed bounty as desired.


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