Cocktails - Old Fashioned


Old Fashioned

A true classic for the whiskey lovers. A subtle sweetness from the mix of aromatic orange bitters and O’Driscolls, the bitters round the flavour and prevent the sweetness from cloying. Resulting in the perfect refreshing cocktail.


Old Fashioned Ingredients

  • 30ml ODIW

  • 1 Dash Agusto bitters

  • 2 Dashes of Orange bitters

  • 10ml Sugar syrup

  • 1 Oranges slice

  • 1 Maraschino cherry (optional)

How to make an Old Fashioned

  1. Add the sugar and bitters into a mixing glass, then add the water, and stir until the sugar is nearly dissolved.

  2. Fill the mixing glass with ice, add ODIW, and stir until well-chilled.

  3. Strain into a rocks glass over one large ice cube.

  4. Express the oil of an orange twist over the glass, then drop into the glass to garnish.


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